Welcome To New Name

May you experience freedom from your past, peace in your present and hope for your future.

About Us


Welcome to New Name Ministries, a nonprofit, faith-based organization located in Dawsonville, Georgia. We seek to glorify God and serve our community by assisting people in freedom from your past, peace in your present, and hope for your future.

Our Vision

For all people to live in peace and with purpose.

What We Can Do For You

Discipleship Counseling

Our philosophy and process make us unique compared to most other forms of counseling.

Coaching Leadership Mentorship

Discovering your talents, gifts, strengths, passions, dreams, and calling.

Jason’s Book May You

“May You” contains the essentials of the discipleship counseling process used by New Name Ministries. This book is an invitation to experience the spiritual essentials we need for real life change. Freedom from our past clears the way for us to experience the presence of peace, and having peace, our hearts can embrace a future filled with hope.

This journey takes courage, and love will give you the courage you need every step of the way. All you need to do is accept the invitation. May You accept it today.


“I came to New Name when I began having anxiety and panic attacks. After dealing with death in our family, the threat of Coronavirus, and work stress I was on edge. For the last few years, I’ve struggled processing how my feelings relate to my walk with God. Within the first week I knew my counselor understood how to help me through my problems. I started feeling hopeful about my walk with God and had not felt that in a long time. Through the following weeks we unpacked spiritual identity, forgiveness, and guilt. Week after week I began to sense my awareness of God change. I was equipped to take care of problems that had hindered my walk with Jesus. As my awareness of God grew my anxiety began to untighten its hold around my life. I am less anxious and have a greater sense of peace. Understanding who I am in Christ helped me embrace my past and live for today. I am so thankful for the transformation New Name helped facilitate.”

“New Name Ministries was perfect timing for me and it just may be the case for you too. Going into this journey I felt a little “off course” and needed some help with my perception, conceptions and thinking (amongst other things).  I felt it opened doors for me in these areas I just mentioned and more importantly a spiritual door for a special and meaningful current and flow.  The book – “May You” was fantastic as well and will forever be a reference guide for me.  If this sparks your interest, then take the journey – you’ll be fortunate and glad that you did.”

“New Name Ministries impacted my life in so many ways! I struggled with anxiety last summer, and my family and I were looking for Christian counseling. That’s when we discovered New Name Ministries. My counselor helped me see what my struggles were and helped me find the roots of them. And she taught me how to live in a cycle of grace. She showed me how to surrender my cares to Jesus and how to live in His grace for me and stop striving. New Name Ministries taught me so much! I definitely recommend getting counseling from them. A thing that God taught me through someone last year was that getting help is not weak; it’s wise. Thank you so much to New Name Ministries for everything you have done for me and everything you are doing!”

“I still remember feeling so lost walking into the doors of New Name Ministries about three years ago. After leaving a residential program for drug addiction, I needed a safe place to further my healing and growth in my walk with God. From the start to now, I’ve seen not only my life transform, but my relationship with Christ has become genuine. For the first time, I’ve begun to find my identity in Him, not just as a mother, a wife, or someone’s daughter. I’ve learned to navigate through life healthily because of all that I’ve experienced at New Name. I had given up on my marriage last year, and my counselor challenged me to ask God if that’s what He wanted for me. I was angry at this at first because I was hurting and just wanted the pain to end. Still, she loved me through it and helped guide me to Him so that I could walk in His purpose for my life, which included fighting for my marriage—and also fighting for myself because, in my Father’s eyes, I’m worthy of all the goodness He has for me. With all the challenges I’ve experienced over these years counseling at New Name, I can say with absolute certainty that God has used this ministry as a tool to set the course for the beautiful future He has for my family and I. I’ve never in my life felt more safe sharing the intimate details of my heart with anyone in the flesh like I can with my counselor. I’m forever grateful for this ministry and the impact it has had on my life.”

“I came to New Name and began my journey, with the Lord and my counselor cheering me on, at a time of intense grief in my family. The healing process began immediately and continued to progress dramatically, as I began to embrace the broken pieces, surrender them to the Lord, and learn to depend on Him every moment. My journey with New Name continues as I am walking away from my old pattern of codependent behavior and stepping into the peace, joy, and freedom of knowing who I am in Christ. My circumstances have not changed yet, but thanks to the beautiful, healing process of New Name, I am releasing the pain and anxiety of my past to God and am experiencing rest, peace, and love, as I continue to walk into the freedom of my new life in Christ. I am so appreciative of New Name for all of the love and healing you have poured into my life.”

“I was so fortunate to be able to experience transformational healing at New Name Ministries, by being taken through the book, May You, with my counselor. I was able to revisit my past and invite God in on several traumatic events and make peace with situations that were negatively affecting my life. Because of the work I did, I can look back at the same events, and feel true peace and freedom surrounding them. God replaced several lies I believed about myself with His truth, and I now have the ability to see myself through His eyes. I am so grateful for being able to truly say that I am able to have deeper intimacy with God, with myself, and with others because of the healing that I encountered at New Name Ministries.”

“I’ve always struggled with never feeling good enough, and like I’m always 1,000 steps behind everybody else. I’ve felt as though my accomplishments weren’t significant and began comparing my life to others around me. When I didn’t live up to one person’s standards, that would further solidify my feelings of inferiority. I began to be uncomfortable in my own skin, and tried to abandon my true, God-made, self, and live as those I was comparing myself to. I had been doing this for years without even knowing that I was doing it. Going through the May You process/book with my counselor has really opened my eyes to the heart of my own actions, how I actually viewed myself, and how to take steps to live from my True Self. I’ve also learned how much your past (whether bad, good, or somewhere in between) does have an effect on how you interact socially, and live as an adult. The May You process that New Name has taken me through has been very eye-opening and powerful, and I couldn’t be more thankful to my counselor for guiding me through this journey.”

“I was in a tough spot when I finally reached out to a former pastor/friend/mentor seeking counsel. He was more than willing to listen and pray, but he highly recommended I begin meeting regularly with a counselor and pointed me in the direction of New Name. I was so hesitant at first and didn’t want to feel as though there was something wrong with me, but the Lord made it very clear to me that New Name was where He wanted me in that stage of life. I connected with my counselor and could not have asked for a better mentor/friend to help guide me through the process of letting go of things I couldn’t control and reaching out to see what the Lord had in store. Life is a journey, and it comes with its fair share of highs and lows, but I’m so thankful for the relationship I established at New Name, how the curriculum guides you through the process of letting go and reaching out and knowing that you have someone walking with you, step by step.”

“Even though I knew some issues needed to be addressed in my life, I was initially apprehensive about starting the counseling process. It was difficult making that first call to New Name, but the person I found on the other end immediately put me at ease with her kindness and compassion. My journey at New Name is helping me to put language to past hurts and present emotions. My counselor has created a safe environment for me to identify how unhealthy choices and patterns have grown out of false beliefs and how God desires to bring real transformation to my heart. I’m beginning to discover who my true self is and the healing that comes out of honesty, trust, and surrender. The process is very challenging at times, but I know I am not alone in it. I am so grateful for the care and counseling I am receiving at New Name. It is bringing light where darkness once dwelt.”

“New Name ministries change the game when it comes to counseling. Some of my deep-rooted fears and failures were gently brought up to the surface. I can honestly say it has been the most incredible shift in my life. I needed a guide to help me navigate through how I view God and how to view God as my Father. It’s the first time in my life I have been able to refer to him as such.”

“I started going to New Name a while back, and through the process of building relationships with God, myself, and others, I have also found myself in many ways I didn’t know I was still lost. After completing a long-term inner healing program, I thought I “was healed” and didn’t need any more counseling, but I was wrong. I have support, someone speaking the truth, someone loving, and always there for me during this continual healing process. I am beyond grateful to have my counselor stand beside me through all of my ups and downs; I appreciate how she believes in me when I sometimes don’t believe in myself! I am forever blessed that God brought me to New Name Ministries!”

“I first came to New Name Ministries to sort through some frustrating behavior patterns in my life.  After the first few meetings, the New Name process helped me see that I had other underlying issues leading to my behavior.  New Name’s approach is less about behavior modification and more about core beliefs that have really helped me understand myself, understand God, and also understand others.  My wife has seen growth in me in several ways and has also started seeing her counselor at New Name.  We are both so grateful for our counselors’ help to break through the lies that we’ve built up around us.   I’m a business owner, and after “graduating,” I invited Jason’s team to meet with my team members for organizational health.  New Name was able to help us see some relational holes in our organization. I am working now to plug those holes.  So grateful.”

“I knew when I realized I needed professional help to discover who I am and what “blind spots” I have about my past, my present, and my own personality, New Name was the place to call. The process that New Name uses to guide you through the sessions is as eye-opening as it is inspiring.  I found myself crying to the point I could not speak at both the realization of who God is and what He was doing in my life.  I am eternally grateful for the freedom and personal growth New Name brought to me over this last year.  I cannot encourage you enough to call on New Name for any and all your counseling needs.”

Get In Touch

Feel free to contact us if you’d like to schedule an appointment or have any questions.