Support Us

Investing In Lives

We rely heavily on donations from people with hearts like yours who believe in investing in the lives of others.
 Please prayerfully consider joining us by filling a crucial role in the ministry. Your financial support and generosity will help fulfill our operational needs and will make it possible for hurting people to experience a new life!

How To Donate

All donations are considered Tax Deductible. You can make a donation(s) in any of these three ways:

1. Checks
Please make payable to New Name Ministries. Mailing address:

New Name Ministries
200 Old Dawson Village Rd.
Suite 120
Dawsonville, Ga. 30534

2. Automatic Draft
Email us today at or call us at 706-265-8128 to set up a regular giving schedule that can be automatically deducted from a credit card or bank account.

3. Online
Choose the option below that corresponds with how you would like to give: